Hammer drills
Electric impact wrenches
Shears / Nibblers
Planer / Router
Cordless impact wrenches
The cordless impact wrenches are applied in the practice in the same way like the well known power
impact wrenches, but unlike them they are much more adroit and compact by their dimensions and,
in addition to it, they are equipped by high-quality accumulator cells extending their working range
outside the usual workshop environment.
Though the impactmechanismof thewrench reaches remarkable efficiencywhen looseningand tightening
the high-strength joints (everything without any undesirable back impact), its design is relatively simple
and the device itself is very compact and light-weighted. The stable, light-weighted accumulators literally
packed with energy are based on the lithium-ion cells.
With respect to permanent load and high working requirements raised to these devices by the users, the
impactwrenchesNAREXareunderstoodperfect assistants for severeworkingconditionsofmanufacturing
plants, sites or maintenance and repair workshops.